Rare books / Collections

Nagoya University Library Rare books / Collections

Holding Library Collection
Central Library(Documents)(JP) Takagi Family DocumentsOkada Family DocumentsHibi Family DocumentsTakeda Family Documents
Central Library
(Documents:Old books of Japanese and Chinese)(JP)
Aoki CollectionIto Keisuke CollectionOkaya CollectionKobayashi CollectionJingu Kogakkan CollectionMorimoto CollectionGoto Collection
Central Library
Uchida Collection(JP)Suzuki Tateo Collection(JP)Hasegawa Collection(JP)Nagai CollectionSpanish Civil War ColletionMizuta Library | Ishida Foundation Collection
Central Library
(Corner books)
Collection of Japanese Regional History(JP)Collection of Oriental studies(JP)Official gazettes, Parliamentary Documents, Judicial precedentsCollection of Teaching and Education StudyIijima Corner(JP)
Law Library Takigawa Collection
Economics Library English Revolution CollectionOgawa CollectionTokushige CollectionBeckhart Collection
Science Library Ikeno CollectionHilbert Collection
Bioagricultural Library Ishii CollectionOkami Collection
Digital Collection(JP) Digital Collection List
Central Library
(Large scale collections)


Other collections


Collection Details

Verhandlungen des Bundesrates des Deutschen Reiches. Jg. 1867-1933
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Semi-Rare and Cent Lib Kanpo(Parliamentary Documents)
Details The four major pillars of this collection include the following: the “Bundesrat records” and “Documents related to proposed laws and legislation” from the North German Confederation and the successive German Empire (1871–1918) and the “Republican parliament records” and the “Documents related to proposed laws and legislation” from the Weimar Republic (1919–1933). The collection spans a total of 255 volumes that also include the “Bundesrat records related to the German customs and trade association” (1868–1870); the “Bundesrat records related to Alsace-Lorrain” (1871–1875); the “Republic Upper House committee records” (1925–1931); and the “Index of records and documents related to proposed laws and legislation” (1867–1881 and 1891–1900).
Volume 255 items
Format Original
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
Title list
How to use Cent Lib Kanpo:Open shelf
Cent Lib Semi-Rare:Please check here.
References * 北住炯一「1997年度大型コレクション『ドイツ連邦参議院(Bundesrat)・共和国参議院(Reichsrat)』に寄せて」『館燈』129号(1998) p.1-4
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1997
The Eighteenth Century
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Micro
Details This is a microfilm collection of approximately 200,000 out of the 500,000 English language publications published in Great Britain and abroad during the 18th century that are attributed significant historic or documentary value. The Short Title Catalogue (STC) encompasses a wide range of fields including literature, politics, economics, medicine, and engineering. Although the publications themselves are in the microfilm format, there is a Guide to the Microfilm Collection that enables one to conduct a search based on the author, title or subject, the reel number, or the collection number. Apart from Unit 1-56, which is in the possession of Kyoto University, Waseda University and Kansai University own the entire collection.
Volume 1,015 items
Format Microfilm
How to search * We have Microfilm documents in the search results of The English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) under [The Eighteenth Century] in Surrogates column and reel no.1961 to 2975.
* English Short Title Catalogue 3rd ed. (CD-ROM), Cent Lib Ref 029||B
How to use Please check here.
References * 山田耕士(幹郎)「18世紀英語・英語圏刊本集成」『館燈』123号(1996), p.1-2
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1995
Appeal Cases to the House of Lords
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Rare
Details These law reports are a collection of appeal cases made to the United Kingdom House of Lords by the High Courts of Scotland and Ireland between 1755 and 1843. They list, in order, the appellant, the appellee, the appeal case, the legal case details, the history of the lawsuit, the reason for the appeal, the reason for the countersuit, and finally, the date of the judicial decision and the judicial paper itself (which are written by hand). These documents, in addition to simply being British legal research documents, are used as research documents to make legal comparisons with Scottish law and illustrate the uniformity of civil law and common law in connection to the current European Commission (EC) market integration. At that time, the House of Lords, which functioned as the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, handled not only civil cases but also cases involving treason and felonies among the nobility, etc. Thus, this is also an important collection of socio-political historic documents. This collection entirely comprises original documents that were only in the possession of three agencies: the English House of Lords, the Scottish Senior Bar Association, and the Glasgow Royal Senior Bar Association. This collection is the one that was in the possession of the Glasgow Royal Senior Bar Association. This collection includes 90 leather-bound booklets in chronological order of which five volumes from 1812 to 1817 are reported and titled by an unknown person by the name of “Dow.” Furthermore, for the volumes from 1818 to 1825, there is an appendix and an incomplete handwritten index.
Volume 90 items
Format Original
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "TY50119049" in the column of "Bibliography ID" at the advanced search. (List
How to use Please check here.
References * 戒能通厚「英国貴族院上訴事件判例集に寄せて」『館燈』114号(1994), p.1-3
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1993
Preussen : Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Rare and Cent Lib 1F
Details This collection is primarily from the 19th century, and it includes important original texts, legal historical archives, and historical records regarding government situations. It also includes basic Prussian historical research materials from the first part of the 20th century including important collections of letters from politicians, etc. Among the pre-1850 documents are several that are owned only by a few German libraries. Particularly, important documents regarding Brandenburg have been systematically acquired.
Volume 732 items
Format Original
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "302.34||Preussen" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
How to use Cent Lib 1F:Open shelf
Cent Lib Rare:Please check here.
References * 若尾祐司「統一ドイツとプロイセン史 : 平成3年度大型コレクション」『館燈』106号(1992), p.1-2
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1991
Philosophy of Language Collection
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Rare and Cent Lib 4F
Details This is a collection of books regarding linguistic philosophy (prior to the establishment of the modern philosophy of language through the works of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913)) that includes empirical comparative grammatical studies and essays on universal grammar and the origins of language, including the Port-Royal Grammar (1660).
Volume 141 items
Format Original
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "801||GENGO" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
How to use Cent Lib 4F:Open shelf
Cent Lib Rare:Please check here.
References * 舟橋豊「言語哲学コレクションについて」『館燈』98号(1990), p. 877-879
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1989
Collection of French Freethinking during the 18th Century.
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Rare and Cent Lib 4F
Details This is a collection of writings by various Encyclopedists and other thinkers from 18th-century France that led up to the European freethinking movement.
Volume 514 items
Format Original
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "135 || ZIYUSISO" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
How to use Cent Lib 4F:Open shelf
Cent Lib Rare:Please check here.
References * 寺田元一「キリスト教中心主義の超克を求めて: 名古屋大学一八世紀自由思想コレクションをめぐって」『思想と現代』第32号(1993), p. 110-
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1987
Russian-USSR : History, Literature, Law, Education, Sociology and Language.
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Micro
Details This is a comprehensive collection of documents regarding modern and current Russia-USSR research that includes old Slavic texts, 18th-century Russian research texts, reports and statistics on Imperial Russia as well as journals, newspapers, and articles related to national education and literary movements. 概要PDF
Volume 425 reels, fiche titles;1934
Format Microfilm, Microfiche
How to search Please check here.
*The office has a microfiche catalog close to the materials.
How to use Please check here.
References * 「昭和62年度補正予算による購入大型コレクション及び外国学術図書紹介」『館燈』91号 (1988), p.796-797
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1987
Library of Dr.H.P.Ipsen
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Rare and Cent Lib 1F
Details This is the former library of Professor Hans Peter Ipsen (1907–1998), who was one of the foremost German public law scholars at Hamburg University. This collection primarily includes constitution and administrative laws of various European countries, such as those from Germany, and legal documents regarding the professor’s hometown of Hamburg, European integration, and the European community.
Volume 2,049 items
Format Original
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "323||Ip" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
How to use Cent Lib 1F:Open shelf
Cent Lib Rare:Please check here.
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1987
Journal of the House of Lords. / The Rolls of Parliament.
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Rare and Cent Lib Kanpo(Parliamentary Documents)
Details Journal of the House of Lords. Vol. 1(1509)-82(1850)
This journal collection comprises the official records of the House of Lords. Originally, the documents were handwritten, but they were printed from 1767. This collection includes parliamentary attendance and petitions.

The Rolls of Parliament. Vol. 1–Vol. 6 (1278–1503)
This collection of parliamentary records from 1278 to 1503 includes petitions, entreaties, and other documents related to the proceedings.

Volume 246 items
Format Original
How to search Unable to search.
How to use Cent Lib Kanpo:Open shelf
Cent Lib Rare:Please check here.
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1987
A Collection of Medieval Christian Theology and Vernacular in Europe.
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib 4F
Details This is a collection that includes J. P. Migne’s Patrologiae Cursus Completus and Corpus Christianorum, which are the two major series of Christian theology and philosophy publications from the European Middle Ages, biographies of Christian saints republished or reprinted between 1643 and 1833, and American theses regarding theology from the Middle Ages (reproduced in UMI microform).
Volume 777 items
Format Reprint
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "190.8||M" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
How to use Open shelf
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1987
A Collection of European Education : History & Methodology.
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Rare and Cent Lib 1F
Details This is a collection of documents related to education history and ideology, including literary works and theses regarding pedagogy and educational practice in modern Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and France.
Volume 659 items
Format Original
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "372.3-C" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
How to use Cent Lib 1F:Open shelf
Cent Lib Rare:Please check here.
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1987
The Library of Prof. Walther Hubatsch.
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Rare and Cent Lib 1F
Details This is the former library of Professor Walther (Walter) Hubatsch (1915–1984), who was a leading post-war West German historian and a professor of medieval and modern history at the University of Bonn. The library includes research documents related to German/Prussian government and political histories, church history, East/North European history, military history, etc., and various extracts from theses presented to the professor.
Volume 4,868 items
Format Original
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "234||H||||Hubatsch" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
*The title list is in the office.
How to use Cent Lib 1F:Open shelf
Cent Lib Rare:Please check here.
References * 木谷勤「プロイセン史の宝庫 : フーバッチュ教授旧蔵書について」『館燈』88号(1987) p.771-773
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1986
The Library of Pamphlets Formed Mainly by George William Lyttelton.
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Rare
Details This collection of pamphlets, published in the mid 19th century, is part of the library of Baron George William Lyttelton the 4th (1817–1876) of Great Britain, who was the younger brother-in-law of William Gladstone. Lyttelton successively held jobs as a member of the Upper House, a colonial ministry undersecretary, a privy councilor, and ultimately, the president of the University of Birmingham. This collection encompasses almost all of the contemporary social problems, including adult education, women’s suffrage, public health, prohibition, poverty, and the Jewish issue.
Volume 1,593 items
Format Original
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "Lyttelton" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
How to use Please check here.
References * 永井義雄「リトルトン・コレクションについて」『館燈』82号(1986), p. 711-712
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1985
Early English Books, 1475-1700. STC I - STC II
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Micro
Details I : Pollard and Redgrave - A compilation of approximately 23,000 works from the early modern period of English literature (1475–1640) recorded in the Short Title Catalogue of English books (also known as STC-I) on microfilm. The contents include literature, philosophy, thinking, history, military, law, agriculture, medicine, etc.
II: Wing - A compilation of approximately 33,000 works from the early modern period of English literature (1641–1700) recorded in the Short Title Catalogue of English books (also known as STC-II) on microfilm. The contents are the same as those of the STC-I.
Volume STC I :Unit 1-48(1,704 reels), STC II:Unit 1-56(1,581 reels)
Format Microfilm
How to search * We have Microfilm documents in the search results of The English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) under [Early English books] in Surrogates column.
* English Short Title Catalogue 3rd ed.(CD-ROM), Cent Lib Ref 029||B
* Pollard & Redgrave. Short-title catalogue of English
How to use Please check here.
References * 山田耕士(幹郎)「初期英国書籍集成1475-1640」『館燈』72号(1983), p.615-617
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired I:1982, II:1984
Tibetan Texts.
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Special and Cent Lib Micro
Details These books are reprints regarding Tibetan Buddhism wherein refugees from the “liberation” movement of Tibet in 1959 migrated to India and the Himalayas (Encyclopedia Tibetica/Smanrtsis sherig spendzod/Ngagyur Nyingmay Sungab/Rin chen gter mdzod). The university’s collection in this field includes 1,300 volumes including the existing collections.
Volume 769 items (Reprint), 756 items (Microfiche)
Format Reprint, Microfiche
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*It is impossible to narrow down via name of the collection.
For reprints, it can be of use to enter the "182.229||T*" in the column of "Call No." at advanced search of OPAC.
How to use Cent Lib Special:Please check here.
Cent Lib Micro:Please check here.
References * 立川武蔵「名古屋大学蔵置チベット仏教全書(昭和58年度大型コレクション紹介)」『館燈』75号(1984), p. 637-639
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1983
A Collection of European Journal of 18th and 19th Centuries.
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Journal and Cent Lib Micro
Details This is a collection of 18th- and 19th-century journals from Britain, Germany, and France as well as a few from the late-17th century. These valuable documents comprise literary reviews and debates that indicate a direct link to the formation of various modern European ideas.
Volume 1,113 items (Book), 1,871 items (Microfilm)
Format Reprint, Microfilm
How to search Some items can be of searched up in the advanced search of OPAC.
*Slatkine Reprints of French periodicals
 ⇒Keyword:Slatkine Reprints, Material type:Non-Japanese Serials, Holding library:Cent Lib
*Early British periodicals
 ⇒Keyword:Early British periodicals, Material type:Non-Japanese Serials, Holding library:Cent Lib
*Kraus Reprint of Deutsch periodicals
 ⇒Keyword:Kraus Reprint, Material type:Non-Japanese Serials, Holding library:Cent Lib
*Die Klassischen Literarischen Zeitschriften
 ⇒It is impossible to search in the OPAC.
  (Information Desk has a catalog that named "大型コレクション".)
*English literary periodicals
 ⇒Keyword:English literary periodicals, Material type:Non-Japanese Serials, Holding library:Cent Lib
*Athenäum Reprints
 ⇒Keyword:Athenäum(Athenaum), Material type:Non-Japanese Serials, Holding library:Cent Lib
  It is displayed as "Reprint ed." in the column of "edition area" in the search results.
How to use Cent Lib Journal:Open shelf
Cent Lib Micro:Please check here.
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1981
Hobbes Collection. I. II. III
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Rare
Details I: As one of the fathers of modern political science, including English empirical philosophy, Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) is known as the foremost thinker of modern natural law. This collection is primarily based on his works, but it also includes the works of his predecessors, contemporaries, critics, and supporters (384 volumes).
II: This supplement to the first period was collected from bookstores having antique books. It includes works that focus on modern English thought, which was developed under the influence of Hobbes, as well as French enlightened philosophy, logic studies, and works related to education in other countries (487 volumes).
III: This is not a large collection, but this original collection supplements Collections I and II.
Volume (I) 384 items, (II) 487 items, (III)  items
Format Original
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "Hobbes*", "Hobbes I", "Hobbes II" or "Hobbes III" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
Catalogue:「イギリス近代思想史原典コレクション目録.」第I期, 1982、第II期, 1983
How to use Please check here.
References * 水田洋「ホッブズ・コレクションについて」『館燈』67号(1982), p.567-568
* 川原和子「名古屋大学所蔵『ホッブズ・コレクション』の周辺(図書館員のためのカルチャー・コーナー 7)」『図書館雑誌』79(9)(1985), p.561-564
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired I:1979、II:1980
Great Britain Parliamentary Debates,1836-1975.
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Semi-Rare and Cent Lib Kanpo(Parliamentary Documents)
Details These records include the debates from Great Britain’s parliamentary sessions. It supplements the collection previously missing in the university’s collection. Thus, the collection is now complete and it includes everything from Ser. 1 (1803-) to the present day.
Volume 798 items (Book), 102 items (Reel)
Format Original, Microfilm
How to search Unable to search.
* Supplementary tool:「Checklist of British parliamentary papers in the Irish University Press 1000-volume series, 1801-1899」 Cent Lib Ref 314.633||Ir
How to use Cent Lib Kanpo:Open shelf
Cent Lib Semi-Rare:Please check here.
References * 「英・仏会議議事録、インド立法関係資料等」『図書館雑誌』76(2)(1982.2), p.69-70
* 「イギリス(議会資料・検索と利用I)」『館燈』71号(1983)606-611
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1978
Indian Legislative series
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Micro
Details This collection of historical records includes records and documents related to central and regional government legislation in British India between 1854 and 1947. The regional government documents are compiled according to region or state, such as Bengal, Mumbai, Madras, and Assam.
Volume 17,476 items
Format Microfiche
How to search * Supplementary tool:Information Desk has a title list in the catalog named "マイクロ資料目録".
How to use Please check here.
References * 「英・仏会議議事録、インド立法関係資料等」『図書館雑誌』76(2)(1982.2), p.69-70
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1978
Journal Officiel et Debates Parlementaires, 1869-1968.
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Micro
Details This collection supplements the French official journals and parliamentary records from the latter half of the 19th century that were previously missing in the university’s collection. This completes the set of documents from Gazette national, ou le moniteur universel (1789-) to the present day. This collection encompasses laws, records from both parliaments, and documents related to debates, etc.
Volume 2,018 items
Format Microfilm
How to search You can search in the advanced search of OPAC.
⇒Title:Journal officiel republique francaise, Holding library:Cent Lib, Location:Cent Lib Micro
* Supplementary tool:Information Desk has a title list in the catalog named "マイクロ資料目録".
How to use Please check here.
References * 「英・仏会議議事録、インド立法関係資料等」『図書館雑誌』76(2)(1982.2), p.69-70
* 「フランス(議会資料・検索と利用III)」『館燈』80号(1985)693-695
Type Large scale collection
Year acquired 1978
Hasegawa Collection
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Hasegawa
Details In preparation.
Volume 82,640 items
Format Germany thesis, Habilitation, Offprint, others
How to search * Search by separate title in OPAC.
* 『長谷川文庫目録 人文社会系』7分冊、『長谷川文庫目録 自然系』5分冊
How to use Please check here.
References * 藤瀬浩司「幻の文庫 : 長谷川文庫について(ほんあれこれ)」『館燈』21号(1974), p.191
* 津田純子「長谷川文庫法律関係成る : 整理中目についたこと : 若干の論文について」『館燈』66号(1966), p. 561-564
* 近藤紀男「長谷川文庫目録(自然系第一分冊)の出来上がるまで」『館燈』95号(1989), p. 844-846
* 津田純子 「19世紀後半ドイツにおける『法学部問題』に関する資料 : 名古屋大学附属図書館所蔵長谷川文庫(法律学部門)の整理を終えて」 『中部図書館学会誌』 Vol. 24 no.1(19821.1) pp.40-50
* 冊子体目録のまえがき・凡例等
Type Personal collection
Year acquired 1924
Official gazettes, Parliamentary Documents, Judicial precedents
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Kanpo
Details This area includes a collection of laws, judicial precedents, official journals, and parliamentary materials from various countries in Europe, the United States, and Japan.
Volume 22,000 items
Format book
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
How to use Open shelf
References * 「官報・議会資料・法判例コーナー」『館燈』76号(1984), p.647-650
Type Central Library Cornar Books.
Year acquired  
Collection of Teaching and Education Study
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Teach
Details In order to provide researchers with a characteristic collection that can facilitate their research in teacher education, this collection primarily includes documents regarding the histories of secondary schools.
Volume 2,800 items
Format book
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "376.48||Ky*" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
How to use Open shelf
References * 佐々木享「中等学校史誌コレクションについて(教職教育研究図書コーナー)」『館燈』145号(2002), p.4-5
Type Central Library Cornar Books.
Year acquired  
Takigawa Collection
Holding Library Law Library
Location Central Library 1F
Details This is the former library/document collection of ex-Kyoto University president and criminal law scholar Professor Toki Yuki (1891–1962). This collection includes approximately 11,000 literary items regarding criminal law, law, social sciences, philosophy, history, etc., that the professor acquired while studying in Germany between 1922 and 1924.
Volume 11,000 items
Format book, others
How to search * Search by separate title in OPAC.(Books only.)
When you enter a keyword, choose the "Law" in the column of "Holding library" and enter the "T*" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search. By doing so, you can narrow the material.
How to use Please check here.
References * 平川宗信「瀧川文庫について」『館燈』87号(1987), p.762-765
* 坪井能里子「整理作業回憶」『館燈』87号(1987), p.766-767
*「ちょっと名大史63, 瀧川文庫-瀧川幸辰博士の蔵書」『名大トピックス』170 (2007年7月)
*『「瀧川文庫」所蔵資料展示会』名古屋大学法学部 1987
*「瀧川幸辰博士の蔵書」『ジュリスト』 No.798 (1983.9.15), pp.10-11
*「瀧川蔵書二万冊そっくり名大に寄贈」『中日新聞』1983.4.16 夕刊
*「滝川事件から50年 博士の蔵書 名大へ引っ越し」『日本経済新聞』1983.5.30 朝刊
*「あの故瀧川博士 お茶目な一面 漫画本も愛読していた」『中日新聞』1983.8.31 夕刊
Type Personal collection
Year acquired 1983, 1985
English Revolution Collection
Holding Library Economics Library
Location Economics Library(Open shelf)
Details Original documents and research papers related to the British Revolution.
Volume 310 items (Book), 28 items (Microfilm), 326 items (Brochure)
Format Book、Microfilm, Brochure
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*It is impossible to narrow down via name of the collection.
How to use Please check the usage rules of Economics Library.
References *『名古屋大学経済学部所蔵イギリス革命文献目録』([名古屋大学経済学部], 1963)
Type Others
Year acquired 1961-1963
Ogawa Collection
Holding Library Economics Library
Location Economics Library(Open shelf)
Details British economics, especially, the Classical School, which includes the writings of the Ricardo School.
Volume 416 items
Format book
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*It is impossible to narrow down via name of the collection.
How to use Please check the usage rules of Economics Library.
References * 「新着洋書目録」『経済科学』2巻2号(1952)
Type Personal collection
Year acquired 1952
Tokushige Collection
Holding Library Economics Library
Location Economics Library
Details Works related to 18th- and 19th-century Western European social thinking from the former library of Gosuke Tokushige.
Volume 900 items
Format book
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*It is impossible to narrow down via name of the collection.
How to use
Type Personal collection
Year acquired 1949
Beckhart Collection
Holding Library Economics Library
Location Economics Library(Open shelf)
Details This collection includes 1,962 volumes on domestic and overseas financial theory, currency theory, banking history, and IMF periodicals as well as rare 17th-century documents and pamphlets related to finance and currency problems during the Imperial Period of German history.
Volume 1,962 items
Format book, pamphlet
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*It is impossible to narrow down via name of the collection.
How to use Please check the usage rules of Economics Library.
References * Materials were purchased with donations of Beckhart Fund.
Type Others
Year acquired 1977-1980
Ikeno Collection
Holding Library Science Library
Location Sci Biol
Details This collection comprises approximately 350 publications, collected by pioneering experimental geneticist Professor Seiichiro Ikeno (1866–1943), and a large collection of reprints (231 volumes bound by the author himself). He is famous for being the first person to discover the spermatozoids of Cycas revolute and for reforming phylogenetic botany. In April 1942, he gave the collection to the biology classroom when the Biological Department of Science was established.
Volume 350 books and thousands of reprints.
Format book, Reprint
How to search Book:Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "池野文庫" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
How to use For using these materials, please contact Science Library in advance.
*Borrowing and copying of the collectionin is not possible.
Type Personal collection
Year acquired 1942
Ishii Collection
Holding Library Bioagricultural Library
Location Bioagricultural Library
Details This is the former library of Yugi Ishi (1892–1953), who is known for the “Unabridged Horticultural Dictionary” (Seibundo Shinkosha Publishing Co., Ltd.), and it houses his contributions to the promotion of the gardening culture in Japan. The collection comprises 582 Western books and 978 Japanese books regarding botany, horticulture, and herbology.
Volume 1,560 items
Format book
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "||||石井文庫" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
How to use  
References * 鳥潟博高「石井文庫」『館燈』36号(1976), p.315-316
Type Personal collection
Year acquired 1958
Okami Collection
Holding Library Bioagricultural Library
Location Bioagricultural Library
Details The former library of Yoshio Okami (1888–1963) includes 55 Western books and 30 Japanese books regarding orchid families and other areas of horticulture.
Volume 85 items
Format book
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "||||岡見文庫" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
How to use  
Type Personal collection
Year acquired 1965
Hilbert Collection
Holding Library Science Library
Location Sci Rare
Details This collection includes 11,661 reprints presented by mathematicians from all around the world including D. Hilbert (1862–1943), who was a major influence on the development of mathematics in the 20th century. These were donated by former Osaka University president and mathematician Kenjiro Shoda (1902–1977) at the inauguration of the Nagoya University Mathematics Institute.
Volume 11,661 items
Format Offprint
How to search 『ヒルベルト文庫目録 改訂版』(名古屋大学理学部数学教室, 1983)
How to use For using this collection, please contact Science Library
Type Personal collection
Year acquired  
Nagai Collection
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Rare and Cent Lib Semi-Rare
Details This is the former library of Dr. Yushio Nagai, professor emeritus of Nagoya University. It contains 650 volumes of original texts related to the British modern history of economics and thought, including rapid revision and utilitarianism. It includes handwritten documents from Betham and Wilberforce as well as labor bills. In addition to the books, there are portraits and landscape paintings (prints) by various thinkers and economists.
Volume 851 items (Non-Japanese Book), 107 items (Japanese Book), 72 items (Portrait, etc.)
Format book, portrait, etc.
How to search * Book:Search by separate title in OPAC.
・ Enter the "Nagai" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search. By dong so you can narrow the Non-Japanese Books.
・ Enter the "||||||永井文庫" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search. By dong so you can narrow the Japanese Books.
* Portrait:Please refer to the 「永井義雄名誉教授寄贈肖像画等リスト」.
How to use Cent Lib Rare:Please check here.
Cent Lib Semi-Rare:Please check here.
References *中井えり子「永井文庫(近代イギリス経済学史・思想史)について-概要と保存対策-」『館燈』No.166, p.6-8
*『西洋近代思想と永井文庫 : 最大多数の最大幸福を求めて』2008年秋季特別展図録(名古屋大学附属図書館, 2008)
Type Personal collection
Year acquired 2007-2008
Spanish Civil War Colletion
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Semi-Rare
Details The theme of this collection is the armed conflict between Spanish fascist forces and the People’s Front (Spanish Civil War/Spanish War, July 1936 to March 1939). It includes documents published in Spain between 1929 and 1964 (mainly, 1936–1941).
Volume 64 items
Format Non-Japanese Books
How to search * Search by separate title in OPAC.
*To narrow search, enter "||||Spain" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
How to use Please check here.
Type Others
Year acquired 1980
Mizuta Library
Holding Library Central Library
Location Cent Lib Rare(~1850) Cent Lib 1F(1851~)
Details This is the former library of Nagoya University professor emeritus and Japan Academy member the last Hiroshi Mizuta. It is a collection of books and magazines (including two handwritten books) related to the history of modern Western thought that has been collected across 70 years of research activity. Moreover, it includes literary evidence regarding the succession and influence on the West by modern Western thinkers ranging from Thomas Hobbes to Adam Smith (1723–1790). As a whole, this collection demonstrates the links in institutional critical thought up to the end of World War II. His wife, Nagoya University of Economics professor emeritus Tamae Mizuta, has also been donating her rare books collection to the library and Gender Research Library (GRL), Nagoya University since 2015.
Volume Cent Lib Rare:2,489 Non-Japanese items (2,362 books, 127 Serials)
Cent Lib 1F:6,265 items (Japanese 719 items, Non-Japanese 5,546 items)
Format Original
How to search Search by separate title in OPAC.
 ・ Cent Lib Rare:Enter the "Mizuta" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
 ・ Cent Lib 1F:Enter the "309.02||Mizuta" in the column of "Call No." at the advanced search.
How to use Cent Lib 1F:Open shelf
Cent Lib Rare:Please check here.
Type Personal collection
Year acquired 2009-2023
Ishida Foundation Collection
Holding LibraryCentral Library
LocationCent Lib Rare(Album, Original manuscript, Related materials of Grant),Cent Lib 1F, etc.(Book of general interest)
DetailsThese documents were donated by the Ishida Foundation. The Ishida Foundation was established as the Ishida Science and Economics Research Foundation on February 8, 1980, which fulfilled the dying wish of Taizo Ishida (1888–1979), the “Head Clerk” of Toyota Automobiles. Support projects were conducted with the goal of contributing to the promotion of science and technology, regional economic development, and the development of education, science, and the arts, etc. However, the foundation was suspended in 2009 after having fulfilled its expected objectives.
The documents include albums related to Taizo Ishida, handwritten lectures, autobiographical documents, assistance reports, foundation publications, and general books related to business in the Chubu region of Japan.
Volume50 items (Album, etc.), 94 items (Japanese Book), 2 items (Non-Japanese Book), etc.
Formatbook, album, etc.
How to search Please refer to the list below.
*Search by separate title in OPAC. However, it is impossible to narrow down via name of the collection.
How to use
  • Cent Lib 1F:Open shelf
    Cent Lib Rare:Please check here.
Year acquired2010

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